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Where are the role models?International research, my own experience, the stories of women I work with in my coaching practice, they all confirm that role models are essential for both our personal and professional development.Role models support, inspire and energize by their examples in the many decisions we make, and guide us with an informal learning process.We tend to choose role models that demonstrate competencies or achievements that are reachable. When we see behavior or results that we feel we also can attain, we are engaged and motivated to learn.Are there not enough role models? Or are they just not visible?In my coaching work with women leaders, I always ask them who is their role model. And it seems that it is a difficult question to answer. Quite often I hear from my clients that they can not find a role model that inspires them. And that is bizarre… I have met plenty of women with amazing accomplishments and a great story to tell. Hence I believe it is time to create an alliance.This is how The Authentic Leadership Roadshow was born, to connect women role models with young female talent. I created a platform for women to bring their authentic, inspirational story to the world. It is not (only) about "successful top women" as we often see them pictured in corporate life. The authentic leadership roadshow is full of stories of women leaders and entrepreneurs, who developed a clear vision, are aware of their values and defined their purpose and goals in their personal and professional lives. Are you a women leader or entrepreneur? Do you want to participate and share your story with young and future female talent, then contact me @ or 0032 475 64 58 08 to apply and join the team of the magnetic women role models.Alternatively, join us, listen to their stories, connect, and learn. Register for our leadership community and get access to free leadership content that will help you to move forward.