Accounting - Novi Sad, Vojvodina, Serbia
The services of our bookkeeping agency include: • Accounting services• Keeping of the book of incoming/outgoing invoices• Preparation and submission of the VAT return• Keeping a register of fixed assets• Collecting daily bank statements• Preparation of the annual financial statement and tax balance• Assistance and support for payment services• Consultancy (Tax, Accounting, Business and Financial)• Communication and cooperation with tax authorities, state institutions and social security administration• Assistance related to various accounting procedures• Preparation of the employment contracts• Registration and deregistration of employees• Payroll services and calculating salaries and contributions• Preparation of payroll sheets and pay slipsOur clients include micro and small companies, independent contractors, institutions, societies and other non profit organizations.Contact us:T: +381-64-2953912 (Mobile | Viber | WeChat)W: kontrolsistem.rsA: 21000 Novi Sad, Alekse Šantića 57/1, Grbavica (PAK 403632), SerbiaTax number: 107680793
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