Venture Capital - Paris, N/A, FR
We believe the next Tech Leaders will be EuropeanAt Korelya Capital, we believe digital investment opportunities can trigger growth and social progress in Europe. The digital revolution has already started to disrupt the way we live, work, have access to knowledge, culture and information, the way we produce, the way we consume, the way we interact with each other's. Tomorrow, it will free us of repetitive tasks, change our relation to the city, facilitate travel and limit our exposure to risks.We also believe that unprecedented success stories in the digital economy will emerge from Europe within the next ten years. The European tech ecosystem is reaching maturity at every levels (mindset, access to capital, tech know how, talent, etc.). Artificial Intelligence, IoT, Big Data, are the ingredients of the next digital revolution, the one that will follow the "platformization" of our economies and societies.
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