Sports - Pristina, , Kosovo
Kosovo Olympic Committee (KOC), founded in May 1992 and recognized by International Olympic Committee (IOC) on 09.12.2014.Our mission is to develop, promote and protect the Olympic Movement in Kosovo, in accordance with the Olympic Charter.Our Role is:To encourage the development of high performance sport as well as sport for all in Kosovo;To promote the fundamental principles and values of Olympism in Kosovo, in particular, in the fields of sport and education, by promoting Olympic educational programs in all levels of schools, sports and physical education institutions and universities, as well as by encouraging the creation of institutions dedicated to Olympic education, such as National Olympic Academies, Olympic Museums and other programs, including cultural, related to the Olympic Movement;To ensure the observance of the Olympic Charter in Kosovo;To help in the training of sports administrators by organizing courses and ensuring that such courses contribute to the propagation of the Fundamental Principles of Olympism;To take action against any form of discrimination and violence in sport;To adopt and implement the World Anti-Doping Code in Kosovo - KOSADATo encourage and support measures relating to the medical care and health of athletes in KosovoKOC has the exclusive authority for the representation of the country at the Olympic Games and at the regional, continental or world multi-sports competitions patronized by the IOC.In order to fulfill our mission, KOC may cooperate with governmental and non-governmental bodies, with which it shall achieve harmonious relations. However, KOC is not associated with any activity which would be in contradiction with the Olympic Charter. KOC preserves autonomy and resist all pressures of any kind, including but not limited to political, legal, religious or economic pressures which may prevent us from complying with the Olympic Charter.
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