Management Consulting - , Seoul, South Korea
The importance of social objectives for corporates is a global phenomenon and there are macroeconomic factors behind it. As technological innovation and automation have produced high productivity with smaller work forces, workers and families have often been displaced. Hence, there is a societal obligation to take care of underprivileged people otherwise social conflict may follow. In a worst-case scenario, social discord will collapse to chaos. This is a harsh reality in some parts of the world today and of course, throughout history.It is necessary to have a comprehensive SR management system that adapts for economic conditions and the news cycle. As companies move beyond the sole objective of shareholder profit maximization, there are important social objectives as well. However, in achieving these social objectives, companies may build stronger brands and reputations- which directly benefit the bottom line. For example, there is public cynicism on the actions of large corporations and the collusive links between politicians and company officials. Social responsibility, done well, is a valuable tool to offset this public cynicism.Kosri began in 2011 under a period of robust growth in the corporate sector. Although global competition has intensified in the period since- Kosri's vision for impactful, cost-effective CSR has remained unchanged. Kosri strives to be a trusted partner to corporations that seek to balance commercial success with social contributions. Getting the balance right can help with branding, customer engagement, employee retention and morale and other business KPIs. In this way, a virtuous cycle may continue.It is important that a company's social contribution activities reflect its priorities and core competencies. Kosri can help companies research recent trends, analyze program effectiveness and develop SR goals. We are working with research and advisory services in the US and China to assist the social contribution efforts of South Korean companies domestically and overseas. By sharing best-practices and potentially pooling resources, Kosri hopes to offer the most comprehensive SR platform available in Korea today.