Oil & Energy - Prizren, , Kosovo
Established on 1 July 2006, KOSTT J.S.C is a public company, the shareholder of which is the Republic of Kosovo, through the Ministry of Economic Development. KOSTT J.S.C. operates under two licenses issued by the Energy Regulatory Office (ERO). According to the licenses held as the Transmission System Operator and Electricity Market Operator, KOSTT is responsible for: According to the licenses for Transmission System Operator and Electricity Market Operator, KOSTT is responsible for: • Planning, operation, maintenance and development of Kosovo's electricity transmission system • Efficient, economic and coordinated operation of the transmission system, including cross-border flows • Balancing of the system • Provision of non-discriminatory access for transmission system users • Encouraging efficient competition in electricity generation and supply • Encouraging economic efficiency in applying Market Rules and performance of activities in compliance with the Market Rules • Administration of a centralized electricity market in Kosovo • Management of the final settlement processes. KOSTT J.S.C. manages the Transmission System of the Republic of Kosovo, by operating high voltage assets of 400 kV, 220 kV , 110 kV and medium voltage level assets of 35 kV, 10 (20) kV.
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