Government - Kouvola, Kymenlaakso, FI
Kouvola on Suomen 11. suurin kaupunki noin 81 000 asukkaallaan. Se sijaitsee Kymenlaaksossa runsaan tunnin ajo- tai junamatkan päässä pääkaupunkiseudusta. Alue tunnetaan metsäteollisuuden, kauppa- ja hallintopalveluiden sekä maalogistiikan keskuksena. Kouvola on elinvoimainen maaseutu- ja mökkikunta sekä Suomen suurin kehittyvä varuskuntakaupunki. ** In the heart of southeastern areas of Finland and with the population of 81 000 the city of Kouvola resides next to the Kymi River (Kymijoki), surrounded by forests. From here, you will find great views of the magnificent nature, easy going people and all the cityculture you need. In Kouvola, you can easily go for a cup of coffee in the center, live in a cityduplex or enjoy the idyllic feel of the countryside. You will find bicycle paths, pathways in the nature to explore, local sports activities and the good vibe of things happening. You will find 450 lakes and tens of kilometres of Kymijoki riverside. When you feel like heading outside for new experiences, you will find theatres, clubs, concerts and sports halls to choose from. The tracks from Kouvola will take you to east, south, west and north. Kouvola is the good quality of life, being close to the nature, space and activities. Kouvola is the forest view you see right from your window, the riverside and the dark humour of the friendly locals living around it.
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