Architecture Firm/Engineering Firm - , , ES
KPI Engineering, Inc. is a full service Mechanical, Electrical, Plumbing, and Fire Protection Design Firm. KPI's principals have an excellent reputation in analysis, design, and construction for both new and renovation projects. We drive the flow of information, push project schedules, constructively resolve conflicts and keep our customers informed.Our professional staff keeps abreast of current, upcoming codes/standards and local permitting requirements to insure your dreams and hopes for your project become a reality. Every project receives a thorough analysis considering first cost, schedule impact, maintenance, and energy costs, before the GMP is established.Our firm is unique in that we were created from Kenyon & Partners an engineering and construction firm. Kenyon & Partners continues to provide excellent construction and maintenance services. This constructability and serviceability mindset become a part of our effective designs.KPI serves the following client types: Residential – Single, Multi, High RiseCommercial – Office, RetailPlaces of WorshipLearning Institutions - Colleges, Universities and K-12Financial & BankingGovernmentScience + TechnologyHospitalityProjects include services from pre-engineering studies for renovations through large scale central heating and cooling facilities for campus environments.As our mission states: No matter the Scope, KPI has You Covered!Phone - (813) 241-6488
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