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Whats is KRANTII ?1. KRANTII is a family of online-messenger based Think-Tank Groups (Gps), founded on 26 Sep 2016. Presently, KRANTII has 56 Theme-based inclusive Groups which are engaged in brain-storming and strategizing on subjects linked to Nation Building and safe-guarding National Interests. The discussions are undertaken in an open multi-disciplinary environment, providing a 360 degree perspective on multi-dimensional issues. KRANTII teams are agile, scalable and modular offering high degree of flexibility and versatility to enable rapid/ proactive response. Availability of multi-sectoral niche skill sets, which high experience, makes KRANTII a formidable force-multiplier group to bring focused outcomes.Focus Area2. We are an inclusive and non-political group of volunteers, focused on Nation Building and Safe-Guarding National Interests. Our activities are focused towards cross-pollinating of wisdom; deliberation on issues of national interest with 360 degree perspectives, to help crystallize action-oriented solutions to "Make India Great". We are driven to keep National Interest Supreme, Always and Every time.Objective3. 2. To "Make India Great (MIG)" by establishing a voluntary, inclusive, unified and dynamically networked eco-system of committed Indians, from diverse multi-disciplinary backgrounds, for collaborative, coordinated and synergized nation building efforts to serve India's National Interests. Through KRANTII, we intend to consolidate, integrate and converge all aspects of voluntary multi-dimensional nation building efforts.Composition4. KRANTII family has a rich ethnographic diversity which is culturally plural, inclusive, multi-ethnic and makes no distinction between any Indian on any criteria. To be members of the KRANTII Family, individuals are required to commit themselves to place "INDIA FIRST, ALWAYS AND EVERYTIME". Membership is open to all Indians from all walks of life, professions, beliefs and any section of society