Think Tanks - , Special Capital Region of Jakarta, Republic of Indonesia
A think tank aiming to cultivate Innovation, Human Center Design, and Design Thinking in meeting social goals and profit maximisation. We give strategic consulting and coaching to government, business, and non profit about social innovation and new product development. We also develop self-owned innovation-based product, particularly at digital innovation.Portofolio :1. Gave recommendation at Open Government Indonesia Action Plan 2014 invited by UKP42. Gave advice at US-RI CSOs Consultation Forum for Open Government Partnership 2014 invited by Ministry of Foreign Affairs3. Connected and collaborated the Committee of Aspiration and Complain Handling Online System to community leaders to create campaign together in social media, involving 50 communities of young people and proffesionals.4. Invited as Discussant at World Forum for Democracy 2014, Strasbourg, France. We presented the idea of Social innovation Knowledge Management System in Indonesia.5. Delivered workshop on innovation and design thinking in public services,public policy, and social movement in various events in Jakarta, Depok, Bogor, Bandung, Semarang, Malang, and Denpasar.6. Riset Penggerak Perubahan, a research aiming to collect the data of public initiative on social development in Indonesia. We gathered the data from more than 100 NGOs from across Indonesia.7. Initiating the idea of Open Parliament Indonesia, an initiative which is designing the idea of e-budgeting,e-legislation, and Member of Parliament social media, in order to promote transparancy and public participation in House of Representative. We conducted research and advocated the idea to political party leaders.8. Our current project is developing Indonesia Social Innovation Network : an online platform which connect and collaborate changemakers and government to solve social problems. The platform including Open Innovation which generates idea by crowdsourcing and Changemakers Hub, a social media for changemakers.