Nonprofit Organization Management - Broome, Western Australia, Australia
KRED Enterprises is an Aboriginal Charitable Trust dedicated to building and sustaining Aboriginaleconomic development.We work with Traditional Owners across the Kimberley and Pilbara regions to develop economicopportunities and protect their native title, environmental and commercial interests. Our key interest is to create economic opportunities that affirm Aboriginal cultural and social values, ensuring that Aboriginal people and their corporations are key players in commercial development in the Kimberley and in Northern Australia.The impetus for KRED came from our elders who wanted an organisation that would be ownedand directed by Aboriginal people and work exclusively in their interests - all while maintaining astrong cultural match.KRED Enterprises is owned by the Ambooriny Burru Charitable Foundation which has eight nativetitle claim groups as members. These include the Mayala, Bardi Jawi, Karajarri, Ngurrara, NyikinaMangala, Tjurabalan, Mawadjala Gadjidgar and the Jaru native title groups.Our vision is for our members to share significantly in the benefits of development on Aboriginal land.
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