Real Estate - Castries, Castries, Saint Lucia
K&S was founded by Mr. and Mrs. Adams who are two (2) qualified professionals with seventeen (17) years' experience in key managerial and leadership positions within a range of organizations - public service, private sector and church/religious environment - they bring a unique style of skills set to serving clients and customers. K&S realized that they have a unique marriage of professional skills that will not only bring customers satisfaction but also create a unique life-style of business that will impact individuals, couples, organizations and government. K&S relentless passion for effective and excellent customer service, is premised on the principle "the greatest leader is the one who serve" which is believed will gain them a competitive edge, serving their clients and customers with love, honesty, integrity and respect. Vision: "To be the preferred choice of service creating a unique lifestyle of business" Mission Statement: "To be a business that meets clients' satisfaction through sound business principles and provide the best possible realty opportunity"