Mechanical or Industrial Engineering - , Rizal, Philippines
Since 2014, KTP Cool and Freeze Ref and Air-con Services has proven in the industry that we provide the best service in terms of Air-con cleaning and repairs. At the beginning, KTP just wanted to serve nearby clients, friends and relatives but then in God's gracious ways, we have stand-out from some of our competitors. From residential to corporate clients, KTP has become a household name serving from Rizal throughout the Metro and even Central Luzon areas.Though the years, KTP hired qualified and well-trained technicians with experiences from both local and abroad specializing in Air-con and Ref maintenance and repair also including HVAC units. We also provide trainings and seminars for their continuous knowledge and skills as Air-con and Ref technicians. This is to impart KTP's share of success to our service associates as they provide good quality assistance to all of our clients.As our company is growing bigger, we are also becoming known in our Refrigerator services and now we have open our services to Exhaust Cleaning. Providing the same quality of services, we made sure that we don't deviate in our dreams, we made it possible to analyze all types of services that we can give extending the best way we can to assist our client's requirements.With our highly trained sales team and customer service who can discuss each type of services that KTP can provide. Anytime of the day or week, our sales team can understand all of your problems, concerns in terms of Ref, Air-con and Exhaust. They can offer you the best competitive quotations suitable to your needs.We believe that there isn't an air conditioning company in the land that can beat us in terms of customer service. Our after-sales service is beyond compared to others. We also empowered our presence that we have launched our first ever 24/7 Customer Service Hotline this year 2018 which provides a minute response to all of your inquiries, concerns and make it possible that our technicians can assist you the f
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