Civic & Social Organization - , ,
Kveikja: Social Enterprise Iceland / samfélagsleg frumkvöðlastarfsemi á Ísland aims to be the leading authority on social entrepreneurship in Iceland. The purpose of the Kveikja is (Icelandic below): 1. Education: Raising awareness, promotion and education on social entrepreneurship 2. Support: Continual development of a strong framework, policies and access to resources , in order to support social entrepreneurship in Iceland 3. Development: Providing development opportunities for individuals, our members and startups in the field of social entrepreneurship. Tilgangi Kveikju skal náð með: 1. Menntun: Auka skilning og þekkingu á samfélagslegri frumkvöðlastarfsemi með kynningu og kennslu. 2. Þróun: Þróa sterka ramma, stefnur og aðgang að tækifærum fyrir samfélagslega frumkvöðlastarfsemi á Íslandi. 3. Stuðning: Veita stuðning fyrir einstaklinga, meðlimi félagsins og sprotafyrirtæki á sviði samfélagslegrar frumkvöðlastarfsemi. Kveikja was registered as an NGO in June 2015. Prior to that it was a volunteer project aimed at research in social enterprise in Iceland - see