Museums & Institutions - Mýrdalshreppur, , Iceland
Kötlusetur (e. Katla visitor center) is the center for culture, knowledge and tourism in Vík, Iceland. Our goals are:- To support cultural activity in the region- To increase the quality of the region as a tourist destination- To preserve cultural and natural heritage in the regionThe visitor center includes a tourist information desk and two exhibitions on the local geology and history. Furthermore, Kötlusetur offers a class room for 20 people, meeting room and offices. Kötlusetur works in close co-operation with a number of groups, including- Mýrdalshreppur municipality- Katla UNESCO global geopark- Samtök sunnlenskra sveitarfélaga- Háskólafélag Suðurlands- Menningarfélag um Brydebúð- Markaðsstofa Suðurlands
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