La Lingua Language School

Education/Training - Sydney, NSW, AU

La Lingua Language School Employees
Joe Comino

Teacher in IELTS preparation, General English, and English for Hospitality Industry

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Tomoko Sakaida

Marketing Office Manager

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La Lingua Language School Details

La Lingua teaches everyday English language, which can be practiced, used and improved while living, working, and studying in Australia, by overseas students and migrants. La Lingua offers not only English for Overseas Students (ELICOS) courses, but also Languages Other Than English (LOTE) courses, with the same style and teaching philosophy. The college is very different from traditional grammar-centred language schools, in that our conversation courses focus on real-life conversation skills, in small classes of 3-18 students. All teachers are qualified native speakers, trained in the college's original method, called the ‘POWER FUNC method'. "FUNC" is an acronym for Fun, Useful, Natural, Communication. The college's educational focus is to teach language that students can use immediately in their everyday life. Daily situations such as: ‘Meeting someone for the first time', ‘Ordering at the Take Away shop', ‘Job interview', ‘Party/Pub language', form the basis of each unit, and after each section, students are able to communicate in a particular situation, using the authentic expressions and gestures native speakers use in everyday life.

La Lingua Language School logo, La Lingua Language School contact details
Employees: 20 - 49
Location: Sydney, NSW, AU
Revenue: 1 - 2.5 Million
English Courses Language Courses IELTS Preparation English for TESOL English for Teaching Children (TECSOL) Conversational English FCE Cambridge First Certificate in English Preparation Course Business English Spanish course French course Italian course Portuguese course Japanese course Mandarin course Korean course Hospitality & Tourism English
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La Lingua Language School is a leading language education institution located in the heart of Sydney, Australia. With a focus on practical, real-life conversation skills, La Lingua offers a unique and innovative approach to language learning. The school's method, known as the 'POWER FUNC method', emphasizes fun, useful, natural, and communicative language skills that students can apply immediately in their everyday lives. La Lingua's courses cater to a diverse range of students, including overseas students and migrants who want to improve their English language skills. In addition to English courses, the school also offers Languages Other Than English (LOTE) courses, such as Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese, Japanese, Mandarin, Korean, and more. With small class sizes and qualified native speaker teachers, La Lingua provides a personalized and supportive learning environment. La Lingua's curriculum is designed to meet the needs of its students, with daily situations such as meeting new people, ordering food, job interviews, and socializing at parties or pubs forming the basis of each unit. By the end of each section, students are able to communicate effectively in these situations using authentic expressions and gestures. La Lingua's commitment to providing high-quality language education has earned it a reputation as one of the best language schools in Sydney. With a focus on practical skills and a supportive learning environment, La Lingua is the perfect choice for anyone looking to improve their language skills and enhance their cultural understanding.

La Lingua helps people learn English and other languages for their daily life in Australia. They offer courses for people who are not native English speakers, and also for those who want to learn other languages. Their classes are small and focus on real-life conversations, not just grammar. The teachers are all qualified native speakers who use a special method called the 'POWER FUNC method'. This method makes learning fun, useful, natural, and helps students communicate better. The college's goal is to teach language that students can use right away in their daily lives, like meeting new people, ordering food, or talking at a party. They teach students how to use authentic expressions and gestures that native speakers use.

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