Nonprofit Organization Management - Landskrona, Skåne County, Sweden
The non-profit organisation VäL (Vi är Landskrona) runs the project LA Stories together with other organisations in the city of Landskrona in Sweden, in order to promote dialogue and citizen participation for all youths and adults in Landskrona, with special focus on democracy and human rights.The project makes available for partners and cooperating organisations a concrete method and meeting ground for dialogue and active citizenship in order to strengthen the situations of young peoples' lives and to empower them to develop new projects in society. This method is based on Digital Storytelling.LA Stories is a two year project. It aims to establish a sustainable and long-term dialogue with and a basis for participation for a multitude of organisations in the regions of Skåne and Öresund (South of Sweden and Denmark).The project owner for LA Stories is VäL. The project operates in tight cooperation with Landskrona's associative life. The project runs from February 2010 to March 2012.