Restaurants - Las Juntas, Jalisco, Mexico
A property located at the corner of Hidalgo and Juárez Street in the heart of thedelegation, is the perfect portrait of Ixtapa in the 40's, a small town where youcould find any type of goods and services, a meeting point, a vivacious place inwhich stories lived through the echoes of a telephone switch, that helped localskeep in touch with their loved one in other places of the country; a town full ofpotential, but the dust of the coming years, extinguished its unique shine.This new project, having this iconic corner in Ixtapa as its venue, involves history,mementos, taste memory and good times; it is about a curious kid invaded byfear, it is about a culinary taste rooted in the heart of my grandmother's house,and that I, with much love, want to share with all of you.It's logical to say we'll create Mexican cuisine, since I'm Mexican and will useMexican ingredients but, what else is there? Evolutive Mexican cuisine? Yes, itsounds quite pretentious, and I can't exactly describe this concept. Maybe at thispoint, you'll think I'm talking about gourmet cuisine, but that word has been sooverwhelmingly exploited, left and right, that I won't dare to denominate it assuch.La Tienda Grande was cooked on slow heat, as a homage to the women who made me the chef I am today, my mom, my 4 grandmothers, aunts, friends and those women who I've met in life and have inspired me. The menu is based on dishes I've tried before and have lived in my memory, they'll be interpreted in my own way; my team and I will make Mexican creative cuisine.And after all this, who am I?I'm only a chef. When an idea is born, the rest is placed in the background. I don't want to be the main character of what has its own essence. I invite you to come meet us, so you can be part of the stories of La Tienda Grande.Salvador CarrilloChef