Packaging & Containers - Marshfield, Missouri, United States
Label Solutions Inc (video). is one of North America's largest suppliers of regulatory compliant compressed gas cylinder labels. We also offer unique pressure-sensitive product label solutions for industrial manufacturers relating to branding, new label development, fleet signage, efficient multi-SKU printing, nutrition label & fact box formatting, and Supply Chain planning.In addition, we offer advanced label-to-surface testing services (such as extreme heat/cold, waterproof, condensation flux, tamper-proof, and durability testing). Label Solutions is one of the few printers in the country to offer in-house regulatory compliance advisory services relating to governing bodies such as: DOT, OSHA, CGA, NPGA, FDA, NFPA, UL, and NACD. This additional "safety net" helps whenever state and federal regulatory laws change or minor interpretations are made about a label. As part of our quality control process, we take proactive measures to notify our customers when a compliance label needs to be updated in order to help them preplan orders and manage their inventory.Company SNAPSHOT:- Voting member of CGA Hazard Communication Committee- In-house Regulatory Compliance Advisory Services- Produces High-Quality Durable Product Labels- We have the buying power to offer you competitive pricing- In-house Graphics Design & Brand development team- State-of-the-art facility & testing- Cloud-based artwork approval and redundant file backup system- Faster overall shipping from the Midwest- Offers Corporate Performance QBR's (Quarterly Business Reporting)- Supports both Centralized and Decentralized Procurement models for companies in M&A transition- Translation services available in multi-language formats- "Live" Customer Service - ready to answer your calls when you need assistance- Privately held since 1989- Industries Supported:- Compressed Gas | Industrial | Medical | Food/Beverage | Electronics | Fire Protection | Private LabelingCOMPRESSED GAS | MEDICAL GASES | FOOD & BEVERAGE | ELECTRONICS GASES | FIRE PROTECTION | BRANDING | PRIVATE LABELINGBusiness hours are from M-F 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM CST. Contact us at (417) 859-6850 or via e-mail at