Philanthropy - , ,
The Lady Bowen Trust provides practical, personal and often profound assistance to Queenslanders who are experiencing, or are at risk of, homelessness through the distribution of small and flexible grants via community organisations.Many of the items these grants are used for aren't covered by other funding sources, are small in material value, but make an enormous impact on both the daily experience and future prospects of Queenslanders experiencing housing instability.Three examples include: the purchase of a washing machine which replaced a three hour round trip a mother of three was making multiple times a week to a laundromat via public transport; the purchase of beds for the children of a single father enabled a family to be reunited; and covering the cost of driving lessons increased the opportunity for employment.Thousands of Queenslanders have benefited from the distribution of over $1.5 million dollars during the last 14 years, averaging about $250 per person. These flexible funds have been distributed through our community-based partners via an annual grants program and other funding channels. Our processes have been intentionally designed as flexible and low-document so our partners spend less time on paperwork and more time with people.
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