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Several research institutions warned about the credit and housing bubble well before Wall Street took notice during the latter half of 2007. Robert Shiller of Yale, Nouriel Roubini of New York University, and the team of Bank of International Settlements were all particularly prescient. Other doom-and-gloomers were very early with their warnings and have stayed cautious even after global equity and fixed income valuations already discounted a worse case scenario. LanczGlobal was among the few research groups that warned about the ripple effects of sub-prime as early as the first half of 2007 and subsequently highlighted opportunities into the dramatic sell-off of late 2008 and early 2009. LanczGlobal is recognized as a leading non-Wall Street research firm with independent, outside-the-box analysis which has provided valuable insight to a wide variety of investors. Alan Lancz directs a research team intent on analyzing investments, financial and retirement planning, and family wealth management in ways that avoid the conflicted research so prevalent in today's financial world. Disclosure: LanczGlobal LLC is an independent investment research firm. All articles and content are for informational purposes only and are not intended to be a solicitation, offering or recommendation of any security. LanczGlobal LLC does not represent that the securities, products, or services discussed in this publication or within are suitable or appropriate for all investors. All recommendations and analysis constitute an opinion which may change without notice and may or may not prove correct. Readers must make their own independent investment decisions, as past success can not guarantee future results. LanczGlobal LLC or Alan B. Lancz are not affiliated or endorsed by any national media and only acts as an authoritative source of information. Such information does not constitute a recommendation to buy or sell securities or investment vehicles.
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