Management Consulting - , Western Province, Sri Lanka
Responsible Care® is the global chemical industry's unique initiative to improve health, environmental performance, enhance security, and to communicate with stakeholders about products and processes.‘Lanka Responsible care Council (LRCC)' was initiated as a voluntary Association with the blessings of National Cleaner Production Centre (NCPC) and New Zealand Responsible Care Council in 2012. LRCC is the sole national trade association representing the common interests of the Chemical suppliers and major users in Sri Lanka.The members/ partners of the Association are chemical manufacturers and users who wish to commit responsible care guiding principles, Government Organizations, Universities, certifying bodies operating in Sri Lanka, etc. both at individual and corporate levels. Association will facilitates lobbying stakeholders in order to overcome the barriers that were hampering the progress of Responsible Care initiatives.LRCC accepted the challenge to provide leadership in promoting safer workplace and protecting precious environment, particularly the safe management of chemicals