Laser Corporation

Electronics - Blenheim Road, NSW, AU

Laser Corporation Details

An Australian based vendor for Consumer Electronic accessories and peripherals. Established in 1987, we have offices in Australia and Asia. Specializing in bespoke solutions, our product range spans more than 20 categories and 500+ active lines. Our difference is that we provide an end-to-end service for our brand in your business or your own brand. This includes sourcing, product testing, factory inspections, financing, compliance, warehousing, shipping, field merchandising, sales training, sales incentives, marketing and even after sales support - either online or in person. However, LASER is so much more than its product, find out about our history, R&D support, commitment, abilities, and our people that make it happen. Watch our video:

Laser Corporation logo, Laser Corporation contact details
Employees: 100 - 249
Location: Blenheim Road, NSW, AU
Revenue: 2.5 - 5 Million
CE Accessories and Perpherals whether our brand or yours. CE Accessories and Peripherals Private Label China Sourcing Corporate Gifting National Retail Drop Ship logisitics SAP ERP EDI integrated analytics Solution Sales Brand Creation Warehousing & distribution Compliance licensing regulatory Warehousing & distribution Warehousing & distribution
Laser Corporation Technologies
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Are you looking for contact information for Laser Corporation? ConnectPlex is the ideal solution for you. Our extensive database contains company information for millions of businesses around the world, including Laser Corporation. We can provide you with the contact details of people working in Laser Corporation, including their names, job titles, email addresses, and phone numbers. With ConnectPlex, you can easily connect with the right people and take your business to the next level. Our AI-based B2B lead generation products are designed to help businesses like yours succeed. We understand the importance of accurate and up-to-date contact information, and we strive to provide the best possible experience for our clients. By using ConnectPlex, you can save time and resources while increasing your chances of success. Let us help you connect with the people who matter most to your business.

Laser Corporation is a leading Australian-based vendor of consumer electronic accessories and peripherals. Established in 1987, the company has grown to become a trusted name in the industry, with offices in Australia and Asia. Laser Corporation specializes in providing bespoke solutions for its clients, offering a wide range of products across 20 categories and 500 active lines. The company's commitment to providing an end-to-end service sets it apart from its competitors. From sourcing and product testing to factory inspections, financing, compliance, warehousing, shipping, field merchandising, sales training, sales incentives, marketing, and after-sales support, Laser Corporation offers a comprehensive solution for businesses looking to enhance their brand or create their own. With a strong focus on research and development, Laser Corporation is constantly pushing the boundaries of innovation. The company's team of experts is dedicated to staying ahead of the curve, ensuring that their products are always up-to-date and meet the latest industry standards. Laser Corporation's dedication to its clients is unparalleled. The company's management team, which includes R.p. Rajpal, Chris Lau, Wajdi Arbid, and Richard Sanabria, has a wealth of experience in the industry and is committed to providing exceptional service and support. In conclusion, Laser Corporation is a leading vendor of consumer electronic accessories and peripherals in Australia. With a strong focus on innovation, a comprehensive end-to-end service, and a commitment to exceptional customer service, the company is well-positioned to continue its success in the industry.

LASER is a company that sells electronic accessories and peripherals. They are based in Australia and have offices in Asia too. They have been around since 1987. They specialize in creating custom solutions for their clients. They have a wide range of products, over 500, and can help with everything from sourcing to shipping. They also offer after-sales support, training, and marketing. They have a strong commitment to research and development. They have a team of people who are passionate about what they do. You can learn more about them by watching their video.

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