Venture Capital & Private Equity - Los Angeles, California, United States
LavLabs Capital is a late-stage growth equity fund backed by LavLabs Inc that is schedule to launch in 2021. The fund will focus on emerging, long-term technology trends and companies that are leading to drive disruption in their perspective markets by tackling these technologies.LavLabs Capital growth practice plans to seek out companies that would benefit from the firm's management, business building and financial expertise. LavLabs C will focus on companies with greater than $10M in revenue, generally profitable in the $3M-30M EBITDA range, and exhibiting high growth. The firm will be open to minority and majority recapitalizations for shareholder liquidity and management buy-outs, though the firm will favor businesses with strong entrepreneurial leaders that expect to stay in place after LavLabs C completes an investment.LavLabs Capital will invest in consumer internet/new media/mobile companies and information technology products and service companies. Also, look beyond these to financial and business services and focus on growing profitable businesses.Projected Investment Profile:Size of equity investment: $10M-$50MProfitable growth companies: $3M-$30M+EBITDAMinority or majority ownership: 10%-90%Investment capital for shareholder liquidity,growth, or acquisition financingTransaction Types:Growth equity for organic expansion or acquisitionsRecapitalizations for shareholder liquidityManagement buyouts or corporate carve-outsThe firm has not been funded and is currently being held in abeyance for future use.