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L.CSP JSC full name is LAM CAMPBELL SHILLINGLAW PROPERTIES MANAGERMENT & DEVELOPMENT JSC and converted to name L.CSP Corp Update imformation link: "http://www.hosocongty.vn/cty-co-phan-quan-ly-va-phat-trien-bat-dong-san-lam-campbell-shillinglaw-com-57248.htm "L.CSP Is a member of a group of partner companies HKL PACIFIC Groups includes the following affiliate companies: L.CSP for investment and consultants, CSP for design (Structural, Architecture & Planning Consultants) and 3Ti Asia Design. There are working offices of member companies in the following countries: Canada, Hongkong, Australia, Viet Nam.Link web site address for reference:"https://offshoreleaks.icij.org/nodes/148089""http://www.shillinglaw.com.hk/"