Management Consulting - Dhaka, Dhaka Division, Bangladesh
"A HandBook On ISO-9001-2015 A Practical Guide To Implementation" PDF Version: >>What is Risk Based Thinking? Do you know how to Address Risks and Opportunities? Did you ever Analyzed Risks? >>Are you sure it is that what the ISO 9001 expects? What do you really know about Quality Management System(QMS)? >>Can you identify the types of QMS in your organization? How do you maintain QMS? >>What is awareness in the eyes of the ISO 9001 Standard? Can you tell the relation between awareness and the effectiveness of the QMS? >>This book explains in details all the new issues and topics required by the ISO 9001:2015 Standard and gives you the tools and tricks to answer the new requirements. >> Just read and do Practice in your Organisation Now! The table of contents in the book are identical to the table of contents of the standard. This is A Good Book On ISO-9001-2015 & QMS . So you can orient yourself quite easily and find the specific advice you are looking for:ISO 9001:2015 improves on the world's most widely used Quality Management Standard (QMS), reflecting current trends in Economics, Innovation, Technology, Business, and Customer requirements. Using ISO 9001:2015, Organizations can prevent and quickly address ‘Quality' problems, deliver better Customer experiences,and improve both Profitability and Sustainability.