Professional Services software - N/A, N/A, US
Leadership In Action is a highly dynamic boutique firm specialising in MAXIMISING OPERATIONAL EFFECTIVENESS™ by dramatically improving operational leadership. In 2003 we launched a unique training programme into the Australian market place, combining extensive assessment, high-impact immersive-training and 12 months of action-learning and in-situ coaching. Since launch we have received consistently rave reviews, delivering results like 93% improvement in ‘management style and behaviour', 97% improvement in ‘inter-team cooperation' and 78% improvement in ‘sense of purpose, confidence and ability'.Operational effectiveness has never been an option for successful businesses. In today's 'business-scape' it has become even harder to achieve. It requires a workforce where everyone can perform at their peak - consistently.And that means today's managers must make the transition from heroic, individual leadership - to leadership that engages, enables and empowers everyone.So imagine a frontline leadership development program that brings together the most powerful learnings from the most highly regarded corporations, the elite Australian Army Special Forces and this country's leading edge academic and research bodies............ Contact us at Leadership In Action if you would like to know more.