Education Management - Pune, Maharashtra, India
Services:Company LearnEasy Training will provide training to students, housewives and corporate.Our Features:Small batchesAmple parking spaceExperienced teachersInteractive learning (practice worksheets provided)Hands on experienceLaptop provided for each participantExecutive Summary:Company LEARNEASY will cater to training requirements of students, housewives and corporate in Pune region. The company will focus on quality and solution based training.Objectives:To provide training which could be tailor made as per the requirement of the participants.To provide training which would enhance skills of the participants.Vision:The vision is to provide innovative learning environment and help the people in their quest for learning. To provide quality and expert training catering to changing needs of the industry.Mission:LearnEasy has been started on 10th January 2012, with the focus of providing quality training in the field of IT and soft skills to students, housewives and corporate. Our mission is to create professionals in emerging technologies.