College/University - Hadath, N/A, LB
The Faculty of Science is one of the first faculties of the Lebanese University. It was founded by Decree No. 2883 of December 16, 1959.The Faculty offers courses and programs leading to degrees in Mathematics, Informatics, Physics, Chemistry, Earth and Life sciences, Biochemistry, Statistics, and Electronics.Since 2005, the faculty adopted the "LMD" academic system which organizes studies into three degrees: Bachelor, Master and Ph.D.The Faculty of Science has three major aims:1. Transfer of knowledge: In order to evolve and modernize, the Lebanese society needs to train leaders in all fields of science. The Faculty of Science at the Lebanese University is the main player in the formation of these executives with the appropriate skills and strengths.2. Research Training: The University is the ideal environment for conducting research in fundamental and applied fields. This research should be devoted to solving problems inherent in our society and to enrich science with new knowledge.3. General services in higher education: The Faculty of Science offers the opportunity for every Lebanese citizen wishing to specialize in one area to obtain knowledge and skills; this ensures equality among all citizens. However, this democracy and parity must respect the principle of competence.