Medical Devices - Tallmadge, Ohio, United States
We believe that the next frontier in mortality reduction will come by training students to recognize crucial findings and act early to prevent the next CODE. The Ventriloscope stethoscope allows users to incorporate high quality live recordings of abnormal patient pathologies and Korotkoff sounds into any teaching scenario, including group and remote learning, Standardized Patient Assessments, O.S.C.E.s, and more. Lecat's Ventriloscope, LLC. was established in 2008 by Dr. Paul and Fran Lecat. Dr. Lecat invented and patented the technology behind the Ventriloscope. They founded the company on the principle that physical examination, when performed correctly, can reduce mortality through earliest recognition of deadly conditions. The Ventriloscope remains the ONLY simulation stethoscope that is backed by research. Visit our website to explore additional products, including the Heart Trigger, Lung Trigger, Infant and Pediatric Systems.