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LED Vivid was established with a purpose in mind, that is to provide a clean and green solution to lighting products.We know that current incandescent lamps, CFL's and fluorescent tubes contain hazardous materials such as mercury and lead. LED lights not only contain no hazardous material, they also consume less energy and emits less heat.Lower energy demand from energy-saving devices such as LED's translates into less stress on energy plants and less need to construct new plants, which results in fewer harmful gas emissions.But to continue to meet global trends in reducing carbon dioxide release using our LED lighting systems is hassle free and provides you the following advantages.1. Durable lifetime of up to 50,000 hours for LED lamps and 20,000 hours for LED systems.2. Electricity saving of up to 85% when compared to incandescent lamps compact fluorescent lamp 58%, fluorescent lamps 50% and halogen lamps 70%).3. For road and street lamps a 70-85% electricity saving was recorded from mercury gas lamps and a 50-65% saving was measured from high pressure sodium lamps.4. No heat radiation is given off, meaning cold LED lamps reducing the demand on air-conditioning.5. Usage of green materials meets EU RoHS norm, which means our materials contains no hazardous solids, liquids or gases.6. No UV light is given off which can damage lighted objects or causing freckles to appear.7. Selectable colour temperature range of cold white or warm white.8. Reduce recycling cost.9. No EM and RF radiation is given off. In return this helps protect your eyes and brain from radiant rays which cause migraines.10. The LED lamps light instantly and Low maintenance required.