Arts & Crafts - Dublin, County Dublin, Ireland
Life … aspirations … details …The subtle strokes of our brush hidden on our life's canvas …Surely is it not your mindful gaze and watchful eye that are kindred entangled with the seeds of your most cherished memories?Many a times we find ourselves carried away in time as it wears. Oblivious to the many details, what makes us, our most treasured asset. Like those moments, themes, people, and life experiences which are all per mutable yet evoke the same emotions. It would not be stretching the truth if we were to call the architect of these emotions the hidden details. If we were to stroll over our thoughts, inviting smiles and our hearts gracile desires.. when we experience both the blues and a bliss in a timeless instant … is it not the details we hold as reference?Discovering a forgotten note snuck in between your favourite book, that song playing on the radio, the smell of coffee seeping into the air … maybe that song was playing all along, the coffee always smelt that way, those birds were always chirping and the sky was always as beautiful ... the only thing that changes is our awareness, being one with the world around us.Our awareness is best supported through the arts. Encompassing yet connecting with each and every one of us. Displaying the details which evoke unrivalled emotions that touch our souls, it completes us, adds colour to our lives.Well, one of these fine details is the art of marbling. With a distinctive history stretching hundreds of years back, each time you engage with Ebru your result piece of art is entirely unique. Amidst the art's enticing water, harmonising combination of colours and their stake to claim of the paper, Ebru is a symposium of art…Yes, life's most beautiful aspects are hidden in the details. So, in that case, would you like to join us in an exclusively unique Ebru experience? Would you like us to add little details in your life? Let's make the difference together!