Health, Wellness & Fitness - Boulder, Colorado, United States
The Lenses that Liberate model is an integrative system for embodied awakening and transformation. In order for embodied awakening and true lasting growth and healing to occur in our lives, we must activate and integrate many different ways of relating to our experience, The Lenses That Liberate model invites us to explore and embody these different ways of relating to our experience through seven distinct lenses, namely ; (1) The Sage: Tasting the Ground of Being; (2) The Nurturer: Finding Deep Rest and Nourishment; (3) The Warrior: Building Stability and Resilience; (4) The Alchemist: Transmuting the Shadow; (5) The Shaman: Opening the Subtle Body; (6) The Seer: Unraveling the Mind and (7) The Mystic: Activating the Sacred Body. A lens is a way of directing our attention and life-force in any moment. It is a way of relating to our experience. In every moment, we are relating to ourselves and our environment, whether consciously or unconsciously, through various lenses or ways of seeing. Underlying the "Lenses that Liberate" model is the understanding that reality is dynamic and therefore requires us to relate to our experience in many different ways using many different lenses. Indeed, if we only have access to one or two lenses, then our ways of relating can remain myopic. By honoring the truth and value of all seven lenses through which we can relate to our experience, the "Lenses that Liberates" Model provides us with a way of deeply embodying our divinity and our humanity, allowing them to co-exist in harmony. Each lens invites us, from a different angle, into a deep enquiry of what it truly means to be both human and divine and as you enter each lens fully, our life itself becomes the answer. Over time, we arrive at a place inside, which I call the "Integrated Self", where we can naturally draw on all seven lenses of relating to our experience while remaining unbound by all of them.
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