Civic & Social Organization - Cergy, Île-de-France, France
In November 2020, Tara MacKeown and Charlotte Caillat launched a call for contributions to fight against sexist and sexual violence (SSV) at ESSEC.This call, aimed at all ESSEC stakeholders (students, alumni, staff, faculty, administration, etc.) generated more than 500 interactions and led 126 ESSEC members to bring forth their recommendations on the subject to the table.This collaboration led to the construction of an action plan to fight against sexist and sexual violence at ESSEC, based on the current situation. The first part describes the process; the second part does a mapping of what has already been done, notably by the BDEs, HeforShe and the administration; the third part presents the recommendations of ESSEC members ; and the last part looks at the future, and the follow-up of these recommendations.