Food & Beverages - Bengaluru, Karnataka, India
"Necessity is the mother of innovation"I read this quote some days ago in some article, since then it's stuck in my head. Ain't it true? I know, it is! 3 months back from now, me and my room mate (aka my Co-founder) were sitting idol and scraping out random ideas from head (Yeah! We usually do so). Where all of a sudden, it just occurred to us that "Hell Yeah! Food is our thing, we definitely should do more about it" . From an urge to hog on good (I mean REALLY GOOD) food every now and then, "Let's Grub" was born. As the tagline suggests "Food, Flavors & Feelings". We believe in cooking food more with love and less with masala. We are now in a mission to end the hunger pangs of everyone out there who is craving for some comfy and finger-licking food that would take their taste buds back home. So, what are you waiting for? Start grubbing now. #LetsGrub