Computer Software - Medford, Massachusetts, United States
Welcome to the future of Subletting. People move everyday and with Real-estate prices at an all-time high its time for a new, affordable and dare I say fun way of finding the apartment and roommates of your dreams. Making it easier and more social to find the sublet or subletter you are looking for, or just a new roommate. Aiming to ultimately become the social media avenue for all things real-estateLets-Sub aims to help individuals find and list spaces with a single swipe or beyond in the future with its interactive mobile and web application ( stay tuned). Think of us as on the front-lines to tackle expensive housing in the United States from Boston, NYC, Sf and beyond. Say goodbye to browsing sketchy craigslist ads or countless listings that don't seem to fit. Say goodbye to the struggle of finding mutually interesting roommates, innovative office spaces or new apartments in a much more affordable way. Lets- Sub mobile and web application aims to make it simple, affordable and safe to find a sublet or subletter using a variety of factors when it comes to matching you with listings include similar interests, friends, price, location, and amenities. If that doesn't help we also offer instant messaging capabilities and a realtime feed to help you find what others are listing or searching around you. Simply download the app, create an account, enter your filters and start swiping. We help make sure listings are verified as they disappear after 2 weeks of no action. Lets-Sub aims to change the way that people connect within the real-estate market- cutting out brokers and putting the control in your own hands! We have many exciting features coming soon such as tenant screenings, our stand-alone website, map view, interactive feed functions and helping you handle rent payments. In the end we aim to help make rental housing affordable for you again! So download today!
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