Sports - Jyderup, Region Zealand, Denmark
The plate holders are made of acrylic and comes in many colors. The holder fastened with two screws and the plate that you can make yourself of laminated paper pushed in and out of both sides of the plate holder. The holders have sizes to fit a laminated A4 or A5 size. If you want a more exclusive look you can order beautiful engraved plates in silver or gold metallic at reasonable prices.About usWe live two generations on a small farm with horses in West Zealand. Here we have a small stud farm where we breed friesian horses. And even if we only have a small barn it would´nt in the past rarely take many days from signs and horses got mixed up. Then came the idea for horses plate by itself. I would have horse signs in my barn, which was just to move around - and I would have horses signs that I could easily change. Horse Signs that I could color the way I wanted, and write on - just what I thought. Horse signs, with the possibility to put in logo or images. My ideas went a little further, because like so many other horse people, I come well in other stables and see that the horse sign problem is not only mine all alone ... ;-) Riding stables, horse livery, training stables, Scholls and many more wanted to use this super practical skilteidé Soon I made my very first signs that I could put up in my own stable. And here they still hang. And the problem that sign and horse do not match, of course, exist no more with me on Kildegården. I hope you can find a horse sign solution that you can use.