Education Management - , ,
LGS Services, Inc.dba Little Giant Steps is an educational consulting group that has developed curriculum that includes neurodevelopmental features which produces better and higher functioning in the areas of auditory, visual, and tactile processing. Typically in our society today we find children being labeled with learning disabilities, when in fact they have missed vital neurodevelopmental steps that can be easily remedied and bring them up to grade level functioning, organize the lower levels of the brain, and produce better communication between the brain and body for optimum neuro-efficiency which results in everyone reaching their full God-given potential. We see things like dyslexia simply going away, due to the root cause of these developmental issues having been addressed and function restored. Schools can now incorporate the supplemental educational curriculum that will address such things as math facts recall deficits, reading difficulties, organizational, processing (auditory and visual) and many other issues found in Autism, ADD, ADHD, Down Syndrome, Dyselxia,and PDD, Special Needs and even gifted students with specific areas of non-typical function. It matters not your age or I.Q. The neurodevelopmental approach touches and improves efficiency in every ones brain due to the blessing the brain's feature called neuroplasticity ~ the ability for the brain to change, reroute and create new neuro-pathways and makes learning easier and more proficient.
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