Professional Training & Coaching - Montreal, Québec, Canada
Attaining peace of mind in the midst of accelerating social change, uncertainty and a world increasingly dominated by impersonal technology, may seem like an allusive goal. Indeed, making sound life choices in a rapidly changing world, seems to be becoming ever more challenging and complex. Now, more than ever is the time to refocus, to home in on what you want to accomplish for yourself. That's where life coaching can help and that's where I come in. I approach my work with honesty, positivity and a contagious energy that my clients tell me generates the enthusiasm they need as they strive to achieve their interpersonal and professional objectives. I help identify and affirm my client's strengths, uncover their talents and discover new ways they can pursue their passions in a holistic manner that is aligned with their values. I listen with empathy and compassion and speak both from wisdom gained from my vast personal and international experience and extensive training in life coaching, spirituality and meditation. What's holding you back from fulfilling your dreams and achieving peace of mind?Contact me for 30 minutes of free consultation !On line coaching l Face to Face l We accept credit cards l E-transfers lYou want to know more about Gabriela ?IG: life_coaching_avec_gabrielaFacebook: Life_Coaching_Avec_Gabriela