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Life Street Education Corporation is a Canadian developer, publisher and distributor of multimedia experiential adult learning materials and programs. A Canadian Federal Corporation; Life Street's mission is to create and make accessible, adult life skills materials and programs in an effort to reduce the working poor in Canada and empower Canada's greatest asset, her people. Although designed and created for, and by Canadians, our programs are available to everyone and anyone in the world who may find them encouraging and useful.In 2015 the ESLAN Polytechnic Portal was launched offering access to online courses and diploma programs for Canada's northern communities and Aboriginal Canadians. Through partnerships, alliances and affiliate arrangements, ESLAN is a gateway to some of the world's leading institutions, colleges and universities. ESLAN provides access to courses and programs in fields such as science, technology, engineering, mathematics, computers, business and psychology, plus many more. The ESLAN Polytechnic Portal currently serves 54 communities in Canada's North; The Yukon, Northwest Territories and Nunavut.
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