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UNPLUG is a group of users of GNU/Linux organized and shaped to engage the task of spreading Free Software in Venezuela and the world. Our organization, having that goal is the guarantor of its members conducted various events such as: Installation Festivals (better known InstallFest), Talks, Workshops, Discussion Forums and meetings related to the diffusion nature of GNU/Linux. Our main goal is to make GNU / Linux is known by those who know that the possibility of having GNU/Linux installed you get anyone interested, the distributions are affordable for anyone who wants to try them, you have a site in order to concentrate users ... GNU/Linux comes, everywhere and anyone you want. We have the momentum and the willingness to achieve this, we have the equipment and structure, we have the places, we are in the regions, we have the desire, our heart into this. We firmly believe that Free Software, and a philosophy, a way of life and a method of professionalism and efficiency. We believe in GNU/Linux, so what we preach. Our group consists of people of all ages, professions and levels of knowledge varied. Among us are engineers, artists, computer engineers, sociologists, undergraduate students, high school and amateur to GNU/Linux in various occupations. All with the same mission and vision: "Spreading GNU / Linux in Venezuela"
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