Online Media - , , is a free public news site. It is a Lebanese news aggregator providing you 24/7 with the most up-to-date headlines of all online news sources. Categories include Lebanese, Regional and International politics, events and economics, as well as Sports news, Arts news, Music news, Weather forecast, and Forex exchanges.No need to jump from one news website to the next, crowding your browser - we provide you with all news sources, in one place.Inclusive of all views, Live961 is an unbiased and objective website. It does not impose an opinion nor adhere to any political views. All news are captured from their original source, to whom we preserve the rights. Click on any news text to be redirected to the original news article.Mission: was born out of a frustration with the polarization of news outlets in Lebanon, especially web-based ones. We aim to increase the awareness of readers and news seekers that every story has multiple interpretations. We believe that there is no such thing as ultimate truth; "truth" is what YOU believe is true. As such, we want to provide you with the maximum information to help you construct your own understanding of current events.Freedom and independence of mind is our goal.