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Livebunkers.com is born to provide accurate and reliable bunker prices at worldwide ports. We have launched Livebunkers.com with bunker prices for 500 ports across the world, our target is to add more ports to the list of ports covered (http://www.livebunkers.com/list-of-ports) as per the requirement of various stakeholders like Ship Owners, Ship Operators, Ship Charterers, Bunker buyers, Bunker brokers, Bunker traders, Bunker Suppliers, Surveyors, Ship Agents and all others. The prices are presented in an easy to access format. Users have to enter the name of the port in the search box and click submit button and port prices will be displayed with time at which the price was last updated. The list of ports covered section presents a complete list of worldwide ports covered. The 25 main ports price can be accessed in view report section (http://www.livebunkers.com/view-report) of the website.