Living Dementia

Program Development - Hackettstown, New Jersey, United States

Living Dementia Employees
Darlene Tranquilli

Founder, Chief Executive Officer

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Living Dementia Senior Management
Darlene Tranquilli

Founder, Chief Executive Officer

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By 2050 there will be approximately 2 billion individuals diagnosed with Alzheimer's or other Dementia related disease. Are you ready?• There are more than 5 million Americans currently living with Alzheimer's disease. • Every 66 seconds someone is diagnosed with Alzheimer's. • There are15 million American's providing unpaid care. • Alzheimer's disease is the 6th leading cause of death in the United States.• Alzheimer's disease is the only disease in the top 10 with no known cure.There is little doubt that dementia poses one of the greatest societal challenges for the 21st century. This must be addressed internationally, nationally and locally, as well as at the family and personal level. Dementia is exceptional in terms of size, cost and impact on our world. There were 35.6 million people with dementia in 2010. That is 0.5% of the world's population. This number is projected to double every 20 years to over 115 million in 2050. Currently, 58% of people with Alzheimer's type dementia live in low and moderate income countries. This is projected to increase to 71% by 2050. The current costs of dementia are estimated at US $604 billion per year. The numbers are rising more quickly than prevalence of the condition. The impact of dementia on socioeconomic conditions world- wide is enormous. Dementia is highly stigmatized and universally feared. Studies suggest that it is strongly associated with suffering, disability and economic loss. "It's Time To Act!"​ says Darlene Tranquilli, a licensed, bonded and insured care-giver and state certified teacher / trainer. "I am very passionate about making change"​ said Tranquilli."I have been through so much in the past month with my residents. Between doctor visits and visits to the emergency room, I walked away frustrated and deflated because of the lack of knowledge and compassion toward those who have dementia related disease. Our community is just not prepared for what is already happening around them. Our community is in such denial of the facts. We need a call to action. We need it now."​"I want to launch a five year campaign to create awareness and increase education and training to create a "Dementia Capable Society"​. It is doable, but someone needs to start. I guess that someone is me." "We need to reach the families, care-partners, employers, doctors, hospitals, administrators, and the facilities who speak to Alzheimer's disease and dementia care. I see it and live it on a daily basis. I'm here to tell you that this disease is growing at alarming rates. Everyone needs to be involved so that we are ready."​

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Employees: 2
Location: Hackettstown, New Jersey, United States

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