LJ Hooker Newtown

Real Estate - Newtown, NSW, AU

LJ Hooker Newtown Details

We live and breathe the Inner West....It may seem like a little thing but it's vitally important to how we approach business.And we believe that's important because it means that when you deal with LJ Hooker Newtown, you're talking to a team that has a deep understanding of the Inner West and City Fringe and a ‘locals' knowledge of what's important to our community.Operating exclusively from our highly prominent offices on King Street, Newtown, LJ Hooker Newtown has created one of the most successful real estate businesses in Sydney.We have over 30 years experience in both residential and commercial sales and management with twenty full-time staff based in our offices. That's a substantial team to support and service all your property needs. LJ Hooker Newtown can guarantee you always receive the very best quality service and advice.

LJ Hooker Newtown logo, LJ Hooker Newtown contact details
Employees: 20 - 49
Location: Newtown, NSW, AU
Revenue: 1 - 2.5 Million
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LJ Hooker Newtown is a leading real estate agency located in the heart of Newtown, Sydney. With over 30 years of experience in both residential and commercial sales and management, the team at LJ Hooker Newtown has a deep understanding of the Inner West and City Fringe, and a 'locals' knowledge of what's important to the community. Their commitment to providing the highest quality service and advice has earned them a reputation as one of the most successful real estate businesses in Sydney. Operating exclusively from their highly prominent offices on King Street, Newtown, LJ Hooker Newtown has a team of twenty full-time staff dedicated to supporting and servicing all your property needs. Their extensive knowledge and expertise in the local market, combined with their passion for the area, makes them the ideal choice for anyone looking to buy, sell, or rent property in the Inner West. Whether you're a seasoned investor or a first-time buyer, the team at LJ Hooker Newtown is committed to providing you with the best possible experience.

We are passionate about the Inner West and understand its importance in our business approach. Our team at LJ Hooker Newtown has extensive knowledge of the local community and its values. We operate from a prominent location on King Street, Newtown, and have over 30 years of experience in residential and commercial sales and management. Our team of 20 full-time staff is dedicated to providing you with exceptional service and advice. We are committed to delivering the best quality service to meet all your property needs.

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