Technology Consulting/Tech Services - Los Angeles, CA, US
Digital Transformation Consultant, Digital Technology Strategist, Author, Speaker
LJR Consulting Services guides traditional businesses to define and reimagine their business for the digital economy. Lynda is the author of Digital Transformation: An Executive Guide to Survive and Thrive in the New Economy, public speaker on the Digital Economy and Technologies that Fuel It, and Executive Digital Transformation Consultant. LJRCS consulting services include Digital Transformation workshops, and planning Keynote speaking virtual and in person, Corporate Board Advisory We help companies that are growing to develop efficient and practical business processes using information technology to it's maximum benefit. We also advice growing companies on how to build their internal technology departments and what functions to in-source and what functions to out-source.We work with businesses that are acquiring other companies both strategic and private equity to - evaluate and prepare their existing organization for the acquisitions- perform IT due diligence on the acquistion target- prepare transition plans to quickly merge the systems and processes after the acquistion.We also work with companies in the current challenging economic climate to identify ways to cut costs and reduce labor with minimal impact to the organization.