Internet - Mountain View, California, United States
Local business services were born out of the lack of affordable advertising for small businesses.As a small business owner advertising in news papers etc was to expensive so i decided to take my talents from social media twitter/Facebook etc and apply them to local business services.>Local Mobile Fanpage custom wordpress sites< | *Leased websites on page 1 of Google* |*Custom secure iframe Fanpages* Did you know as of 10/01/2011 **1000's** of fanpages will not be seen!!!!Fanpages are a goldmine for small business to drive traffic to there business location on the high street or there contact page on there website.So why am i different from the other businesses/people who promote services for the small business?I have spent 100's of hours creating/learning all the new techniques involved in custom wordpress Local Mobile fanpage sites from installation to actual design and structure of the site and how they will look. I am a small business owner so i am here for the long run this is a business to me not a hobby to make some quick $$******** This is why i am different from the rest*************I can help you promote your business by creating a branded local mobile fanpage website, or maybe you are looking for Google page 1 ranking well with my Leased website package you can do that!!
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