Management Consulting - Tauranga, Bay Of Plenty, New Zealand
Making your business work for you!\\Often small to medium sized business owners simply don't have the time to spend examining how to correct financial or structural anomalies within their organisations. \\That's where Lockharts Management Consulting comes in. \\We have the experience and expertise to make your business work as efficiently and as profitably as it should. \\Our core services centre on advising best practice in the following:\\1) Financial examination and management,\2) Structural efficiency,\3) Marketing and promotion,\4) HR advisory, and\5) People management and leadership.\\Often business owners fail to seek the advice of management professionals until it's too late - the result: an unhappy day for all concerned. \\We would encourage anyone running a business to spend some serious time examining exactly where they are heading and how much they can do to improve daily operational efficiency and financial performance. Often, a business will discover that there is lots that can be done; those involved are simply not sure how to progress to the next level. \\Gordon Gray-Lockhart is the owner of Lockharts Management Consulting and a lifelong business management professional. His sizeable CV details successful business and financial leadership across not only New Zealand, but also his native Scotland.\\Gordon believes that to be successful, a business is required to dedicate itself to five fundamental principles:\\1) Strong, proactive and engaging business leadership,\2) sound and appropriate financial controls,\3) a robust, targeted and well thought-through marketing campaign,\4) an attractive and effective e-commerce approach and, most importantly,\5) a happy and contented workforce who provide excellent customer service.\\Only by ensuring full advantage is taken of these fundamental principles will any business succeed. Gordon encourages you to get in touch today and make your business work for you!