Information Services - Gatineau, Quebec, Canada
Locu helps local businesses be found. When businesses add their street address, phone number, hours of operation, and menus / service lists to Locu, Locu gets them on the map in front of over 200 million potential customers online. Instead of having to use multiple sites to manage their business listings and showcase their products and services, businesses can update just once with Locu, and Locu will publish changes in real-time to their web and mobile sites as well as to partner sites including Yelp, Foursquare, OpenTable, YP, TripAdvisor and Facebook. Over 30,000 businesses including restaurants, spas, salons, accountants, photographers, and home remodeling companies are using Locu to promote their businesses online. Locu was founded by MIT graduates and is backed by investors including General Catalyst Capital Partners, Lowercase, Lightbank, and SV Angel.
New Relic
Google AdSense
Mailchimp Mandrill
Google Apps
GoDaddy Hosting