Logik Logistics International Details
Logik Logistics specialise in time-critical road freight, air charters and on board couriers. With Logik Logistics you can be sure your cargo will arrive on time by either road or air. For shipments from just one box to a dedicated vehicle or an aircraft, same day or next day, regular or one off, your delivery will be in safe hands.
10 - 19
Solihull, West Midla, UK
1 - 2.5 Million
Time Critical Deliveries
Aircraft Charters worldwide
Timed and Next Day Deliveries
On Board Couriers worldwide
UK & European Time Critical Specialists
Automotive - time critical transport
Aerospace - time critical transport
Time Critical Deliveries
Aircraft Charters worldwide
Timed and Next Day Deliveries
On Board Couriers worldwide
UK & European Time Critical Specialists
Automotive - time critical transport
Aerospace - time critical transport
Time Critical Deliveries
Aircraft Charters worldwide
Timed and Next Day Deliveries
On Board Couriers worldwide
UK & European Time Critical Specialists
Automotive - time critical transport
Aerospace - time critical transport
UK & European Time Critical Specialists
UK & European Time Critical Specialists